Inner-City Youth
We provide activities for children and youth in after-school Bible clubs, summer camps, and other meaningful programs.
We have branched out beyond inner-city minstry into international ministry. The Way Out Minitries, Philippines is an exciting new reality! Read more here.
Hawaiian Gardens
We our community of Hawaiian Gardens and beyond through programs like Jesus Loves Hawaiian Gardens community service fair which provides medical screenings, hair cuts, food, clothes and school supplies.
Social Services
We offer social services for families, individuals and those experiencing homelessness. Services include job placement, food and clothing, housing, counceling and more through our resource center.
News & Updates
Newsletter | August 2021
A Home for TyeSome days make all the time and effort so rewarding. A few months ago I had a day such as this. Tyrone finally moved out of his car and into his own studio! Ty was the man we...
Meet Jose | The Way Out Stories
Jose's Story Jose came to us a few years ago. He had worked for many years in the kitchen of a well-known hotel. One day while Jose was taking out the trash, the commercial trash compactor...
Newsletter | June 2021
Gone HomeI first met Jerome Stotts about five years ago after a church service—he introduced himself with an electric handshake and a loud gruff— “Hello pastor, I’m Kathy’s husband!” Kathy was...