A Home for Tye

Some days make all the time and effort so rewarding. A few months ago I had a day such as this. Tyrone finally moved out of his car and into his own studio! Ty was the man we featured in two of our newsletter stories. Once at his baptism in November 2018 and the first time in November 2017 where we told the story of how I found him in his car in a diabetic coma; the paramedics said he was within hours of death had we not located him and called for help. He recovered and continued to be a faithful attendee of our church even while living in his car. From that time on, I tried to convince Ty that we could get him into a place that could benefit his health and better meet his needs, but he was reluctant to say the least. When the pandemic hit, Los Angeles County began a program to protect our homeless neighbors who were most at risk if they contracted the virus. The program was called “Project Room Key”.
The county put these high-risk individuals into motels temporarily. After some convincing from me, Tyrone agreed to meet with the outreach workers who come to our facility each week. He applied for the program and was accepted. Being in a motel room allowed Ty to sleep in a bed with his legs elevated which helped his diabetes. The swelling in his legs decreased greatly. As the program was ending, Ty had the opportunity to apply for a rental studio with low rent. He was accepted and May 28th was move in day! Ty signed the lease for his own studio and would no longer call a car his home. He called me after he moved in, and I could hear in his voice the joy he was experiencing. One of Ty’s friends and a partner of The Way Out Ministries found him a special recliner on-line, and two of our volunteers went to Los Angeles and picked it up and delivered it to Ty’s place. Ty was once again smiling ear to ear. Another one of our friends, who had been living on the streets, moved into the same complex as Ty and signed his lease as well. We have seen this young man do very well over the last few months and are so excited that he is also now experiencing his new life indoors. His new home is many miles from The Way Out, but he still rides his bike each week to come for breakfast and Bible study. We are so thankful for the partnership we have developed with two county organizations, PATH and LAHSA. Together we are able to bring hope and resources to those living on the street. I also want to thank you, our prayer and financial supporters. Without your partnership we would not be able to have the Turner Resource Center open and available to many who are looking for The Way Out. Terryl
Summer Camps 2021

Game On Day Camp
What a joy it was to see kids interacting at our first Summer camp program—”Game On”, where campers enjoyed their favorite video games come to life in an interactive week of fun while for adults they can play casino games in the lucky tiger casino to pass the time. Kids also learned how to “power up” with God, “pause” to pray through daily Bible stories and sing great camp songs together. Each day also included crafts and recreational games followed by dinner. Kids went home full and tired each day—every parent’s dream come true!
The week concluded with a parent program put on by the campers and a special prize day for campers who competed to learn daily memory verses from the Bible and bring friends. The winners enjoyed a gaming truck outfitted with multiple gaming screens, 3D viewers and their choice of kid-friendly video games. They also enjoyed a movie and lots of treats! Be sure and watch the video of this camp here . Special thanks to all the volunteers and staff that made this week of day camp such a success—and thank you sponsors for giving!

Camp Camelot
It was good to get back into the great outdoors with Covid restrictions lifted. Our campers unloaded the buses at Camp Tahquitz in Idyllwild, California with great excitement and found themselves transported to King Arthur’s Camelot! The four day camp was packed full of “jolly good fun!” Campers donned themed costumes and experienced sword fighting, jousting, and even a gauntlet obstacle course along with camp favorites like swimming, campfire sing-a-longs, and crafts. Each evening and morning campers learned from the Bible about putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and fighting against that real dragon, the Devil, and his schemes.

That last night the campers enjoyed a grand concert by Sir Lancelot (Ryan) and his mates. Afterwards, some campers chose games and a movie, while others braved a legendary story by firelight and a night hike to a scary dragon’s lair to snatch a treasured token from a place where a knight once fell. I am happy to report that all the bold knights who took that challenge came back with a medallion clinched tightly in their hand—except for Leslie who grabbed something else instead! She ran so fast from the moving trees and growling that when she finally released her grasp, she found that she had grabbed only a small candle. She and everyone else had a good laugh at her expense, but in the end she traded her candle for the coveted keep sake— an armor of God challenge coin. I am sure she will cherish it always!
Thank you sponsors, for taking these kids from the city into the great outdoors. It was a time they will never forget and a time that they got closer to the One who will equip them for life’s real battles—and God knows they are coming.