Mission Statement
The Way Out Ministries is devoted to Jesus Christ and His calling to serve the people of the inner-city in America and abroad.
“Spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally reaching the people in deed and in truth”
“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
Our mission is carried out in the following ways:
-By offering positive activities for children and youth in after school Bible clubs, summer camps, and other meaningful programs.
-By providing pastoral counseling, meeting basic physical and material needs and providing professional referrals to individuals and their families.
-By providing a family worship service and Bible study groups to the community for fellowship and spiritual growth.
-By providing free educational services to parents and their children in the area of parent training, tutoring, literacy training, etc.
-By offering resources and training to better equip the church both at home and abroad to reach people for Christ.
-To reach beyond the borders of urban America and to share the hope of Christ in the world.
What We Believe
We believe the Holy Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. We believe in one God existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ (without ceasing to be God) came to earth in order to reveal God and redeem sinful man through His atoning death on a cross. We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin and that He is fully active to sanctify, comfort, and empower those who have received Jesus Christ as Lord. We believe that salvation is a gift of God available to all who repent and seek to follow Christ. We believe that man, in and of himself, is totally lost and needs The Way Out. Jesus is that Way Out and we will proclaim Him until the day He physically returns.