Inner-City Youth
We provide activities for children and youth in after-school Bible clubs, summer camps, and other meaningful programs.
We have branched out beyond inner-city minstry into international ministry. The Way Out Minitries, Philippines is an exciting new reality! Read more here.
Hawaiian Gardens
We our community of Hawaiian Gardens and beyond through programs like Jesus Loves Hawaiian Gardens community service fair which provides medical screenings, hair cuts, food, clothes and school supplies.
Social Services
We offer social services for families, individuals and those experiencing homelessness. Services include job placement, food and clothing, housing, counceling and more through our resource center.
News & Updates
The Way Out Philippines At the beginning of this year, God began stirring up resources and people that made it obvious that The Way Out Ministries was to expand and become international in our...
Meet Ken | The Way Out Stories
Ken's Story (A Heroe's Hero)Have you ever wondered what a hero is made of? What ingredients make a person rush into danger when everyone else is running away? What kind of a person signs on to risk...