TWOP Newsletter Issue 2

TWOP Newsletter Issue 2

We’re Building In San Jose! Our Facilities Director, Mark Salcido, has been busy with his team building two projects for The Way Out Philippines(TWOP) in San Jose. Our first project began as a renovation of a donated duplex for our Mindoro office and resource center,...
Newsletter | July 2023

Newsletter | July 2023

A Way Out  The Way Out Ministries was able to apply for a grant through the Los Angeles Center Against Drugs and Alcohol. Rachel Perez worked hard to present a program proposal for the “whole” family that took a “wrap around” approach to address the root causes for...
Newsletter | May 2023

Newsletter | May 2023

Celebrating a Servant Our board and staff recently celebrated retired Board  Member, Bill Irish, at a special luncheon held in honor of his 20 years of service with The Way Out Ministries.  Bill stepped down as our treasurer, but his wife Vera and he remain our...
March Newsletter

March Newsletter

A VISIT TO THE PHILIPPINES After only eight months of our call to begin The Way Out Ministries Philippines (TWOP), Terryl and I were on a fifteen hour flight to Manila.  Upon our arrival we met up with TWOP Board Member Linda Fernandez and her brother Phillip— “tour...


The Way Out Philippines  At the beginning of this year, God began stirring up  resources and people that made it obvious that The Way Out Ministries was to expand and become     international in our scope even before becoming national in our reach!  The same God who...