The Way Out Philippines

At the beginning of this year, God began stirring up resources and people that made it obvious that The Way Out Ministries was to expand and become international in our scope even before becoming national in our reach! The same God who led Terryl and I out of our comfort zone to minister to people in the inner-city of Hawaiian Gardens 39 years ago is now leading this ministry organization to reach people for Christ all the way across the Pacific Ocean!
San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines is a long way from Hawaiian Gardens, California, but in many ways very similar. According to the 2020 census, the city has a population of 153,267 people and is 172.47 square miles in size— so that’s certainly not the same (Hawaiian Gardens is less than 1 square mile and has a population of 22,000). What is similar, besides the Spanish surnames, is that the people there are predominantly Catholic (82%), speak mostly English and are poor hard-working people in need of a Biblical relationship with Jesus! Through a mutual friend, I have come to know Pastor “Andy” (Eduardo Castillo) who is pastoring an open air church there. He and his family responded to a call from God to move from the busy city of Manila to the poor fishing village in the summer of 2015. The transition was a difficult one. Life was more primitive than they were use to and sharing the gospel proved difficult because of the many false beliefs embedded in the culture; nonetheless, the little church grew and ministry flourished for the next five years— and then the pandemic came!In March of 2020, government mandates in the Philippines forced a strict lockdown and no public meetings were allowed. Pastor Andy was able to get an essential worker’s pass which allowed him to visit church members weekly on his motorcycle, but the regular feeding ministry to the children, his ministry to the college, the police department, the neighborhood and all church services stopped. Pastor Andy spent much time with his family in prayer asking God for help, but things seemed to go from bad to worse. Andy’s wife, Ning, even lost her father. She was unable to see him in his last days or even attend his funeral due to travel mandates.
For two long years, these shut-downs have continued— making the Philippines one of the strictest countries for COVID-19 restrictions, which has also devastated a country rife with poverty. In the Philippines 6.1% of the population live on less than $1.90 per day, 26% live on less than $3.20 per day and 55.1% live on less than $5.50 per day (World Bank Data).
It was by divine appointment this year that I was introduced to Pastor Andy and a host of Filipino Christians both here and abroad. In a way that can only be described as miraculous, designated monies and properties for ministry to the Philippines poured into The Way Out Ministries which led me and our Board of Directors to begin a non-stock mission outreach to that country which we named The Way Out Ministries Philippines. Our application for incorporation is now pending with that government —in the meantime; we have wasted no time in bringing Pastor Andy and his church the help that they have prayed for.
Currently, we are renovating a duplex in San Jose that was donated. It will become our new ministry center there and a residence for Pastor Andy and his family. The Way Out is also working with him to rebrand his church which has now become a mission of The Way Out Ministries Philippines. With mandates in the country now lifting, the church is growing again and new programs will soon bloom. Chapel By The Beach was recently visited by one of our Filipino Board Members who greeted the congregation and left them with ministry supplies which included Bibles. We will also be sending worship booklets. A farm contract was also made to secure the churches feeding ministry and a van is soon to be purchased.
Our Hawaiian Gardens church, The Gathering, is eager to embrace their sister church across the sea. Plans are now being made for church communications beginning with a Christmas gift outreach in December. Please pray for this new chapter of ministry in the Philippines and our pending incorporation there. More good news is forthcoming!
New Office and Staff

Rachel in our new “Texas office
Rachel Perez, her husband Manny and our grandson Isaiah made their successful move from California to Texas where Rachel will continue to work with The Way Out Ministries with her new title as Coordinator of Ministry Affairs (Manny will work in law enforcement). One could say that we have a new office in Fort Worth! Rachel will work both remotely and by travel to raise funds, order supplies, organize mission teams, and oversee special projects in the U.S. and in the Philippines. Terryl and I will now be frequent flyers!
Two new employees also joined our staff this summer. Aundrea Velasquez, Hospitality and Book-keeping, will be greeting our guests, answering phones, assisting in managing accounts and records as well as supporting staff. Aundrea is the daughter of one we reached for Christ early in the ministry! The other new employee is a young man who came up through our youth ministry and just graduated. David Obregon is our new part-time Recreational Aide. David helps in recreational programs, nursery care and supports staff in regular programs and outreach. Welcome team!