The Way Out Ministries celebrated 40 years of ministry at our Fiesta of Praise event on May 4. The sold out event featured photo books, memorabilia, mariachis, Mexican food and reunions of board members, teachers, staff, volunteers, students and people who have benefitted from the ministry throughout the years. The evening ended with a proclamation from the City of Hawaiian Gardens, first presented before the City Council by the Mayor, and again at our event presented by Councilman Ernie Vargas—a long time friend and volunteer of the ministry.  Happy Birthday and a 90’s rendition of Lean On Me closed the evening out led by Pastor Ryan with confetti falling and everyone arm and arm.

The following day the celebration extended to our church services at The Gathering where a special anniversary video and message by Pastor Barry was given along with an 80’s and 90’s set of worship songs led by The Gathering Band with Barry on the harmonica and Ernie on the lead guitar— followed by birthday cake and coffee of course!  The forty year celebration will continue throughout this year with other events including the dedication of a donated 30 foot lit cross that will grace the face of our building to remind the neighborhood that Jesus is the light of the world!  What a privilege it has been to proclaim that truth for over forty years now since May 7, 1984.

If you missed our 40 Year Celebration then we encourage you to watch the Celebration Service by going to thewayout.org and click on “media” in the menu—then go to The Gathering Church and select.  We also encourage you to send a special “birthday card” this year to add to our public display.  Please include a special gift—as you can afford, and add your testimony of how God has used The Way Out Ministries to make an impact in your life. These cards have been a blessing to our staff and volunteers. Thank you for your blessing and continuing financial and prayer support in our 40th year of ministry! 


 Connecting with those at our anniversary who have continued walking with Christ was such a joy. Nola Aalberts drove with her friend Patty all the way from Arizona to reunite with us. Nola worked with the Reformed Church in America (RCA) and set up our speaking engagements all over the U.S.  Dr. Maribel Contreras was one of our first little girls in Victors club.  She met up with Beverly Horton (Terryl’s mother) who has volunteered with us as a board member and teacher. She has also supported the Ministry and our family from the beginning!

Ruben Villa was one of our first boys in Survivors club and in the second van that followed in the terrible    accident that almost ended the ministry. He met up with Kathy Trimble whose son and daughter both attended our High School.  Julie Maribal and Adam  Klootwyk came together—both graduated from our high school and showed us in their year book where they were selected by their class for the “best hair” category— today Julie is a hairstylist, and she and Adam are dating!  

Angie Velesquez met up with Terryl— who got her into a drug rehab as a teen.  Her daughter now works for The Way Out Ministries! We are so grateful for all those who shared with us in the Celebrations—and also for the most of you who could not be with us.  Thank you for your continuing support for a work that has become priceless in the lives of so many.


The Way Out Ministries has been taking kids to camp for over 30 years. You can help us    continue this worthwhile tradition by sponsoring a camper today? Simply fill out the enclosed card and mail it with your check in the envelope provided or go to thewayout.org  and click on “partner” and “Be A Camp Sponsor”. Thank you for helping to make a spiritual impact in the lives of our kids!