Meeting Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional needs of those in need.

Homelessness There is an ever increasing need in our cities to address the need and causes of homelessness. We also must be aware that homelessness is not just an issue that affects individual adults, but includes many teens and children as well. The Way Out Ministries seeks to reach out to those experiencing homelessness through the programs and services listed below.
Grace Stop This weekly meal and Bible study meets at T.W.O.M for those experiencing homelessness. This ministry once worked indipendently out of a park in Lakewood until city officials forced them out. T.W.O adopted the group in 2015. People can now enjoy a meal, a shower, Bible study, and clean clothes. They can also get a hygeine kit, blankets and emegency foods. Individual meetings can also be scheduled with county social workers and mental health workers in our safe space where needs can be accessed and helps can be provided. Grace stop meets every Tuesday from 9:30-10:30.
Weekly Showers – In partneship with L.A. County services, T.W.O.M provides weekly showers for those expeiencing homelessness. Soaps and towels are also provided. Showers are available very Tuesday from 10:30am-12:30pm
Terry Turner Resource Center Our Resource Center is a safe space for those experiencing homelessness where T.W.O.M provides assistance through our loving volunteers and social workers who can set medical and mental health screenings, job placement, rehab, counceling, advice and direction on legal needs, housing referrals and more. Computers are also provided for job applications and on line filing needs. The Center also has a clothing and and food pantry for emegency needs.
Volunteering We appreciate volunteers who will sort clothing, stock our food pantry and are willing to serve those experiencing homelessness in any capacity needed. For information on volunteering please contact us.
Donations Donations of non-expired dried or canned food and new or washed clothing may be donated through appointment only by calling or emailing our staff. No books or household items will be accepted. Any items left at our door will be disposed for sanitary reasons. Thank you for your cooperation.