Jesus Loves HG

A landslide of volunteers from The Gathering Church (Our own’ Mission Church in Hawaiian Gardens) expressed their love to the community at The Way Out Ministries’ annual Jesus Loves HG on February 8, 2025— a great way to begin the new year! Christian servants of all ages spent the day organizing and distributing free resources, washing cars, doing city trash pick up and providing free loads of wash at a local Laundromat—all in Jesus’ name! With each act of kindness a tract was given and an invitation to church and the many services available through The Way Out. Many great conversations developed, and some people from the community even shared their deepest needs and were led to Jesus in prayer. The work day ended with a home- cooked enchilada dinner for all the workers with great fellowship and thanksgiving!

Valentines 3:16
After a three year fight with the city of Hawaiian Gardens, our long awaited 20’ lit cross is finally on the top of our ministry center! It was erected on Valentine’s Day and will be dedicated and lit on February 22 at 6:30PM in a special worship service. The cross was envisioned and initially funded by a donor who was led to church and eventually to Christ by the once iconic towering cross of the former El Dorado Park Community Church (1963-2018) in Long Beach which bordered on the city of Hawaiian Gardens. “I want people to see the hope of Christ shining in their darkness”, said the donor.

As the project developed, it became obvious that the city did not want such a large cross erected and many nonsensical requirements were made. Other supporters then stepped up to the plate by waving costs, offering free services and paying for new plans to make the cross a reality. Even free legal services were offered to The Way Out Ministries to file a discrimination case against the city.

After three years, Valentines Day was actually the perfect day for the installation of the cross by Sign Art of Cerritos because so much love has gone into the project. The greatest love; however, is that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Connect Event

The Way Out Ministries partnered with PATH (People Assisting The Homeless) and various other homeless agencies to “connect” and provide a resource event at our ministry center in January. Showers, health services, clothing and food were provided along with free hair cuts provided by volunteers from local salons. This event was a great way to network with others and reach people in need— physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.