Jose’s Story

Jose came to us a few years ago.  He had worked for many years in the kitchen of a well-known hotel.  One day while Jose was taking out the trash, the commercial trash compactor malfunctioned, crushing Jose in the process.  He came to us as he was battling a workman’s Compensation case.  We were able to accompany him to court and speak on his behalf.  This support created a relationship with Jose.  Jose drops by our office several times weekly now and receives fresh cooked meals, the Word of God and fellowship.  Jose had begun the process to become a naturalized American citizen and in February of 2020, this dream became reality.  Jose came by and through our clothing closet, we were able to provide him with a dress shirt and pants for the big event.  He came by after his swearing in as a new American citizen with a smile ear to ear dressed in his finest. (see picture) What a celebration we all shared that day.  A few weeks later, we were able to help Jose apply for an American passport which will allow him to visit his family in Mexico whom he has been unable to see in person in many years.  Jose is now a regular attender of our Spanish-speaking congregation, our weekly Monday night bible study and Tuesday morning meal and Bible study.  Jose lives across the street from our center and rides his bike when he comes.  Thank you for being a part of helping us meet Jose’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs.